Equine team move on campus to look after horses and ponies

Northumberland College’s dedicated equine team have moved on campus to care for Kirkley Hall’s horses and ponies during the COVID-19 lockdown. John Tilley, Equine Resource Manager, and Groom Technician Leanne Rowe have been self-isolating full-time on campus carrying out daily checks, administering medication, changing rugs and cleaning paddocks so the animals are well looked after. … Continued

Secondary pupils enjoy ‘Specialist Days’

Secondary school pupils from across the North East have been given a unique insight into possible future careers at Northumberland College. More than 30 Year 9 and 10 pupils visited the college’s campuses at Ashington and Kirkley Hall for two days of practical taster sessions in brickwork, joinery, plastering, countryside management, agriculture and animal care. … Continued

Success for Equine apprentice Libby in British Eventing

Equine apprentice, Libby Colmer, has enjoyed a successful season in British Eventing, reaching Novice Level in dressage, show jumping and cross-country disciplines. Libby has developed strong technical skills within the sport and plans to compete in more events as she progresses up the levels. Aimee Straughan, Libby’s Equine Skills Coach, said: “We are very proud … Continued