College of Sanctuary

In June 2024, Education Partnership North East (EPNE) became the first college group in the region to become a College of Sanctuary (CoS) in recognition of its work to welcome refugees and help them settle and thrive within local communities. 

As a college, we are committed to supporting the College of Sanctuary's charter and organisational values, including inclusivity, openness, participation, inspiration, and integrity, so that we too can play a significant role in our region, to support building a more welcoming environment for people seeking sancturary and migrants to the UK.

We welcome students from our diverse communities


What is a College of Sanctuary?

A College of Sanctuary is committed to providing support and education to people seeking sanctuary and contributing to a culture of welcome within the community.

As a learning institution, colleges have an important role in fostering a culture of safety, respect and understanding for new students who are seeking sanctuary and can lead by example locally.

Being a College of Sanctuary means recognising and celebrating the achievements of students seeking sanctuary, as well as raising awareness across the college community.


Our College of Sanctuary pledge

As a College of Sanctuary, we pledge to:


  • Take positive action to embed principle of welcome, safety and inclusion within the whole college community
  • Enure an excellent and equitable experience from pre-enrolment to on-programme through to progression opportunities
  • Provide training and awareness-raising opportunities for all staff on refugee, asylum, trafficking and migration issues
  • Raise awareness of sanctuary issues amongst students and the wider community
  • Recognise and celebrate the contribution of people seeking sanctuary and migrants to the UK, including marking events such as Refugee Week across the college
  • Promote, encourage and empower ESOL students through active student voice and projects within college and the local community
  • Develop a sustainable culture of welcome by actively widening participation to people seeking sanctuary

Our Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity & Belonging Calendar 2024

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses:

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