Travelling to Northumberland College

Need some information on how to get to Northumberland College?

Getting your bus pass couldn’t be easier! Our bus provider, Zeelo, has an easy to use app which riders can use to redeem their tickets. Zeelo’s service allows students to track the live location of your bus, access 24/7 customer support, view your timetable and download your digital QR code travel pass.

Bus Timetable

Rider benefits

Riders will exclusively redeem their tickets using Zeelo’s easy to use app. Each rider will be issued a QR code travel pass with which they will scan onto the bus every morning and evening.

Introducing technology into your home-to-college service means you will be able to track the live service; in the case of delays, you can benefit from the live location of the bus. You can also contact our 24/7 customer care team for live service updates or help with bookings.

How will the tickets work?

It is imperative that you redeem your ticket through Zeelo, for safeguarding reasons, you will need to scan your QR code as you board the bus. Once your pass is scanned you will be added to the passenger list which is then shared with your college.  

Any passengers who board without a ticket will be reported back to the college. From October, you must have a valid QR code to board the service.  

You do not need to book a specific seat each day/time you travel, your pass will be valid for any trip on your designated route. 

For further booking instructions, please see the booking guide here.

Looking for financial support?


The routes, vehicles and drivers you are accustomed to will remain delivering the service.  

Should there be any route or stop changes, we will contact you ahead of the implementation.  

As we move through the autumn term, Zeelo will use the passenger and usage data they collect to optimise the routes and add requested stops where possible. 

Please see the timetable here.

Booking and ticketing

You will be able to redeem your travel pass on our bespoke Zeelo booking page. Visit the Northumberland College booking page here.

Financial support

If you are in receipt of financial support for travel/transport, you will still need to book your tickets using the Zeelo platform. You will receive monthly/weekly payments into your account to cover costs.